Look in the Mirror

When you regard the current crisis’ around the world, you may not immediately recognize the one occurring in our own country. With the election of Trump, there has been a lack of compromise and the promotion of partisan politics. This was one of the contributing factors that encouraged Senator Jeff Flake to retire. In December of 2018, Flake spoke to the Senate and delivered his retirement speech.

In his retirement speech, Flake delineates how the rise of tyranny knows no boundaries and how us, as Americans, should be constantly cognizant of this. Flake highlights how he is “optimistic about the future but [his] optimism is due more to the country that my parent’s gave to me than is due to the present condition of our civic life.” He also emphasizes that the threats to our democracy are real and come from both inside and outside sources. Throughout his speech, he continually highlights how the ‘America First’ policy that Trump has promoted neglects and even abandons the crucial role the United States plays in foreign affairs. He reiterates how “vital a beacon the United States is and has always been to the peoples of the world.” His assertion implicates that the United States’ is a contributing factor to the decline of democracy everywhere.

In regards to our current political climate, it is clear that Jeff Flake’s argument has validity. Trump, as a president, is very different from most, unafraid to say everything he is thinking and unashamedly himself. This has brought much resistance from various segments of American society since Trump has several instances of stating incredibly controversial statements that specifically target segments of society. These statements indicate a broader trend of tyranny in them since most of them limit liberties that have been a pillar of American democracy since our founding fathers. For example, in August of 2017, there was a clash between white supremacists, whom were protesting the removal of a statue of General Robert E. Lee, a famous confederate, and counter protestors. While there was violence on both sides, the outrage arose when a car went barreling into a crowd of counter protestors, killing one and leaving nineteen injured. Only hours later, President Trump released a statement condemning “this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides, on many sides. It’s been going on for a long time in our country…” (Trump). Much controversy arose over his statements, since he has not been historically viewed as an ally to the Black community in the United States. For many people, this statement equated the violence on both sides, when in reality one side went too far.

While Jeff Flake’s speech in certain areas may be excessive it is clear that some of his points in regards to the testing of liberties in our country is true. Personally, I agree with some of the sentiments that Flake presents in regards to the rise of tyranny in our global community. It is clear that the decrease in American involvement has increased the number of countries whom are falling into crisis’. This is an ongoing issue that has not been addressed by really any of our leaders in Washington except for Jeff Flake, who is now retired. Maybe the change must be started with the American people. In the preamble of our constitution, it clearly states “We the People, in order to form a more perfect union.” It is our duty to create the best United States possible.
